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Deprioritsation Workshops

We believe there is a limit to "Doing more with less" and there is a point in every business's journey where it's about "Doing less more effectively". We see how the rule 80/20 is replicated in many aspects of our personal and professional lives. Our Deprioritsation Workshop is designed to help businesses identify and eliminate low-value or low-impact activities that are taking up valuable time and resources. Through a collaborative process, we work to identify and prioritise high-impact tasks, and develop a plan to eliminate or delegate tasks that are not contributing to your overall goals. Businesses can focus on the activities that drive growth, productivity, and success by deprioritising these tasks.

What's included in the service?

We believe many of us at times are overwhelmed both in personal and professional lives and each one of us respond differently to it. The techniques we go through in these workshops can be applied both professionally and personally. Saying "Yes" to new projects is easier than saying "No". We want to help businesses that need help in deprioritsation.

Services we offer include

  • Strategic Planning: Helping clients set goals and create a roadmap for their business by prioritising high-impact activities and aligning them with overall business strategy.
  • Process Optimisation: Evaluating existing processes to identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement, and deprioritising non-essential tasks to streamline workflows and increase productivity.
  • Priority Management: Developing priority management strategies to help clients prioritise tasks, eliminate distractions, and increase focus on high-impact activities.
  • Team Building: Facilitating team-building exercises and workshops to promote collaboration, increase productivity, and ensure that team members are aligned with the overall goals of the business.
  • Performance Management & Scorecard setting: Developing performance metrics and processes to evaluate the effectiveness of different activities and deprioritise those that are not contributing to the success of the business.
  • Project Management: Providing project management services to help clients stay on track with high-impact activities, manage deadlines and resources, and deprioritise non-essential tasks.

What results can I expect? 

We expect that businesses that take part in this service will realise some or most of the benefits outlined below

  1. Increased productivity: By deprioritising low-impact or non-essential tasks, businesses can focus on high-impact activities that drive productivity and growth.
  2. Improved decision-making: Our workshops help businesses make informed decisions by identifying and prioritising tasks that align with overall business strategy and goals.
  3. Reduced stress and overwhelm: By learning effective deprioritisation techniques, businesses can reduce stress and overwhelm and create a more manageable workload for their teams.
  4. Increased team alignment: Our workshops help teams align on priorities and work together more effectively to achieve shared goals.
  5. Better resource allocation: By deprioritising non-essential tasks, businesses can allocate their resources more effectively to achieve their objectives.

Ready to start scaling your business now?

If you can connect to our vibe or have a need that you think we can address, get in touch when you're ready!